About This Game Star Explorers - Version 2.0Earth has been destroyed, and humanity must find a way to survive. Star Explorers is the interstellar dungeon crawler. It attempts to capture the vastness, loneliness and desolation of space exploration. Land on planets, explore the surface as well as cave systems, ancient ruins and more on your quest to find a new home for the human race.Regarding Windows 10Windows 10 is not officially supported by the game engine used to make Star Explorers. However, in most cases it does actually work fine. If you are concerned about this, read more here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/502720/discussions/0/2183537632757531355/Reviews:"...See, the galaxy Schmidt has created here isn't cruel. "Cruel" implies that it cares. And this galaxy is terribly, terribly uncaring..." - MagFlare – Steam User"...This game, at its core, is about exploration, and it scratches my space exploration itch in a way that no game has since I played Starflight as a kid..." - battlescar2014 – Steam UserCurrent Features: Randomly generated galaxy which the player can fully explore Randomly generated planets, caves and other environments Randomly generated alien life, either hostile or friendly towards the player Combat system with aliens on planets and in caves Inventory and Trade System with mothership and some friendly aliens Quests from both mothership and friendly aliens, in addition to the main quest Upgrade system allowing player to explore wider range of planets over the course of the game Crafting system, including unique artifacts that must be constructed with ancient blueprints Day/Night cycles on each planet Resource management and survival in hostile conditions Database of Sectors, Stars and Planets in which player can take notes and customize the names of stars and planets 4K and custom resolutions are supportedPlanetsPlanets are formed randomly, but their conditions are based on somewhat scientific factors. The size and temperature of the star they orbit, their distance from that star, the type of surface, atmosphere, and liquids present (or not) determine how a planet will look once landed on. Players will be able to land, depart and return to planets, exploring their surfaces as well as underground cave systems repeatedly, while keeping the same features intact on each visit.ExplorationFuel, ammunition and oxygen will all have to be carefully managed if the player wants to survive the long search for an earth-like planet. While many planets will be too hot or cold, or without an atmosphere, there are also worlds of liquid methane, ammonia, sulphuric acid and more, that have developed their own unique evolutionary cycles. Each kind of alien plant, tree or animal is pieced together randomly, making for a unique experience for each player.The Star Explorers universe is not a friendly one though, it can be cruel and indifferent to the struggles of its inhabitants. If you're not careful, you might land on a planet that's just too hot, or too cold, or enveloped in a cloud of corrosive acid, and not live to tell about it. Upgrading your space suit will unlock these otherwise impossible worlds to further exploration.Inventory, Upgrading and CraftingExploration will allow the player to discover many things, including tools and resources that will help in further exploration. Among these are raw materials, weapons, armor upgrades and blueprints that allow you to craft helpful items. Armor upgrades will increase your space suit's resistance to heat, cold and other environmental hazards. Some weapons allow you to access areas that may be closed off to less experienced adventurers. Caves and Ancient RuinsStar Explorers may be the first interstellar dungeon crawler. Traversing the dark, hidden places and caves is necessary to find the resources required to complete the game. Discover the crumbling remains of an ancient culture and learn the secrets of its mysterious people. In Star Explorers, exploration and investigation are rewarded with special items and locations that many players may never find. If you are someone who likes to look around every corner, then this is the game for you.Generative DesignAlmost everything in Star Explorers is produced generatively. From the locations of stars and nebulae, to the surfaces of planets and their features, every location is different, and every play-through offers unique challenges. Even the music heard in game is generated in real time, and is based purely on the parameters of the player's environment. Each planet, cave and other location has a unique sound-track.Shaders and OptionsStar Explorers has a number of visual options you may choose from. Among them is the “Old-School Pixel Shader” which offers a unique, low-resolution experience. The graphics are not really at pace with newer games, but real-time shadows, bloom and a smoothing shader are also available for those who enjoy a slightly more contemporary feel. You also have control of your field of view, mouse sensitivity and game/music volume, along with options that may help the game run more smoothly on older hardware. See the manual for full documentation.The Future of Star ExplorersAfter a year of Early Access, Star Explorers has arrived at a point where I feel it matches my original design document. Fulfilling my promise to have it completed in a year was important to me, but that does not mean I am finished working on it. I have many other ideas I may choose to add to the game's content. Chief among these are the following: Space battles with alien ships Boarding and exploring alien spaceships More variety of celestial objects, like moons, asteroids and more Alien cities on certain planets I even have a mechanism for Time Travel (this is really outside of the original idea, but I am intrigued by the possibility of doing this anyway)At some point in the future, I may begin work on these new features. The timing and consistency of these potential future updates will depend largely on how well the game is received by its audience. The more I hear from players, the more likely I will stay motivated to continue on this project. 7aa9394dea Title: Star ExplorersGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, SimulationDeveloper:Schmidt WorkshopsPublisher:Schmidt WorkshopsRelease Date: 8 May, 2018 Star Explorers Download Mega star explorers. star wars explorers. north star explorers. fire explorers star stable. star explorers gameplay. star realms explorers. explorers from star trek. construx star explorers. star cave explorers of sky. all star river explorers. all star explorers dora and diego. star trek explorers. star explorers steam. marvel star wars explorers. star explorers review. star stable moon explorers. star explorers igg. star explorers download. star explorers academy. star trek ds9 explorers. explorers star wars. star explorers pc. explorers star trek. hot wheels star explorers. viking star explorers lounge. construx star explorers instructions. star explorers game I have tried to enjoy the game and found a few work arounds for UI implementation that bugged visually. However the game consistently froze while loading, crashed with a handle / pointer error ? and was unfortunately unplayable.I really love the idea behind the game and hope the developer can iron out the issues.I believe it should be in Alpha / Early access, as this released version is in my opinion unplayable ( or it is for me ). Great Game for a Pre Alpha. It has a few bugs but the Idea and gameplay were Great. Despite that I think RN It's a full game. Too Think Theres more to Come suprises me.--Wigster of the Nine Health Bars. Can you please update the graphics. I think this game can be the best if it was updated. I love space games generally, but this one is very counter intuitive and is plain not fun.... I recommend watching the tutorial video first. Then read the manual. If that seems like a lot of work, it's worth it, trust me.This is a very different game than other's like it I own. The galaxy map is far different, splitting sections of space into areas inside little cube sectors. The combat is simple. But, that said, let's talk about the overall playing of the game.I began and read the tutorial. Flew to the Mother ship to begin. Checked out the inventory. Quests work not by "picking" them up. Instead, you bring the item required back to the station and "turn it in" for a quest. I picked up a new laser pistol with better stats then mine. Then, set off to find a planet system to check out. Settling on a standard star, as the Mother ship recommended, I found 5 planets. 2 had temperatures I could handle using the default space suit. So down I landed on one.And there in, is the beauty of the game. Instead of having a myriad of stats to worry about, this game rewards exploration. Planets are small on the surface, letting you fully explore each you land on. This was a refreshing change of pace. With the default laser pistol and a small mapping tool in hand, I wandered the oddly lush surface. Weird plants twisted and olive green, set against a pretty blue sky. Purple lakes of dangerous chemicals threatened to eat my suit. And there, I found a cave to enter. And in that cave, were giant bugs that made noises like angry pigs.After exploring the whole planet, I went back up to the ship feeling something I haven't in many years of sci fi gaming. A sense of wonder. The eagerness to explore the next planet. What would it look like? What would the caves hold?Is it worth your money? I think so. If you learn how to play it first, and heed the Mother ships advice on the sorts of places to start, it's a bit less punishing. But for the price of a couple burgers, you can explore a neat space game. And surely, that's worth it. YouTuber Actually Seems to Enjoy Star Explorers: https://youtu.be/RXTBERezjXYIt's a nice play through, and the guy seems to be enjoying the game in the way I intended it to be enjoyed. I just want to say for the record, I do not know this individual. I almost did not share this because it looks like I made a YouTube channel and posted my own game, but it is not me and I don't think it's anyone I know. If it turns out to be someone I know, then that would make sense. In any case, I hope his channel does well and he starts reviewing some other games too ... though I think he should consider a different name.. Windows 10 Warning: So the game engine used to make Star Explorers does not officially support Windows 10. Still, it does work in Windows 10 most of the time. I added a warning to the store description, to highlight this. There are a couple work-arounds that I have pinned to the Discussion Board. There is also a page in the manual dedicated to this. I will be looking at the code itself, to see if there are ways to prevent these problems automatically. The main issues seem to be around the computer's DEP settings, and the installation folder used. Under "Steam > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders" you can add a new directory to install games.The question is whether this is enough? Obviously it will be best if I can fix the underlying issues, and I will be working on this. But until then, is there something else anyone might recommend doing to prevent potential disappointment in new players?. Default Settings Issue: Some players have experienced a problem when first running the game. Here's what's happening. When you first run Star Explorers, it's supposed to load the default settings, including 1280 x 720 screen size. If you change any settings, the game will create a "settings.cfg" file in your game folder, and load the settings saved there on any subsequent runnings. However, some players are getting a strange issue with the screen when they first run the game, and they cannot change the settings or play the game as a result.As a temporary fix (while I look into this) I offer, for any player who encounters this issue, the default settings file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/77k1muhtdj6cw49/settings.cfg?dl=0Download this file and place it in your Star Explorers folder. To do so, go to "Star Explorers > Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files" and paste the file right into the folder that opens up. This should allow the game to load the default settings. Before you ask, I could include this file with the game. However, then any time I upadate the game everyone's settings file would be overwritten, and would have to be manually changed again. I guess that's better than new players being unable to play ... open to feedback on whether I should do this or not.. A New Star Explorer On the Way: My wife is expecting and we are due to have a new, baby star explorer any day now. I wanted to let you know that there is an update in progress too. It involves a new kit that allows you to increase your storage space and backpack, allowing for more slots. Preliminary tests are promising, and I should be able to integrate it seamlessly into the existing build. I probably won't have anything done in the upcoming week though, since the newest member of the family will be taking precedence. You may not hear much from me in the coming days. I trust you will all be able to handle things without me for a few days :) Don't forget to vote for Star Explorers as Indie of the Year!. Testing Version Updated to 2.8: I have once again updated the testing version of Star Explorers.It's been a crazy week, and I was not able to do much. I added a few illustrations to the dialogue with the mothership, to show who you're talking to, and give some semblance of a narrative. I have come across a number of different ideas I really want to implement. However, I think I will hold back for now. I wanted version 3.0 to really just stabilize everything already in the game, rather than adding lots of new content. New content is fun and all, but it can also introduce new bugs. Version 2.0 was a learning experience, where bugs I thought I had squashed were re-introduced because some of the new content stirred things up in ways I did not anticipate. So I may swap out some menu artwork, and I will update the manual, but otherwise this represents what I will release as 3.0. I will test the game for a few days before making it official.Let me know if you find any issues, or have any concerns.. Beta Update 1.9D: This update only adds one feature. It took me a while to get it right, and I was a bit distracted with other things this week. However, I want to update the game at least once a week, so better to add one thing than nothing, right?The new feature is simple, but I think it will add some important atmosphere to the game. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time, but it never seemed like a priority. Anyway, it is simply that the position of the sun will be saved whenever you leave or return to a planet, or enter and exit a cave.It's not exactly realistic, time kind of stops when you enter the cave, then restarts when you emerge onto the planet's surface. However, the thing I like about it, and the reason it is an improvement, is that it used to reset time to morning every time you reload the planet. In effect, this prevented players from experiencing the full day/night cycle, since staying on planet surfaces was not usually done for long periods. Now, if you visit a couple caves, or return to a planet a few times, you are much more likely to experience the night-time dynamics on that planet. Updating UIThis is not the only work I have done though. I am still working on updating the user interface. Most of this work, however, is being done with pencil and paper right now. I am just looking at the structure of all the menus and trying to design a good, intuitive interface. More on that later.For now, enjoy the nights!. Schmidt Workshops Homepage: Hey folks, Now you can follow up on Star Explorers and my other games all in one convenient location, the Schmidt Workshops Homepage: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/34148628-Schmidt-Workshops/Check it out, it's kind of lonely right now :). Trading Cards Activated: Valve has approved my trading cards for Star Explorers! You may start to see trading cards show up for the time you've spent playing Star Explorers. Happy trading!. New Beta Update 1.9 F: The new beta version is up for all who are interested. I am going to delay the update of the default game until 2.0 is ready. Based on the feedback I received, and the fact that I am nearly done with it, I thought it best to just wrap things up and do it all at once.New in this version:Updated Star Chart I'm really excited about this, probably more than I should be, but I have figured out how to use the engine's draw functions to create the sector outlines and orbits with lines, instead of the clunky looking textures I've been using This gives it a much more computer generated look that feels more consistent with the style I wanted to begin with The Star Chart used to get frozen if you opened it while approaching a planet, this should work fine now - though it will prevent you from using it while it's still scanning a planet Using the right mouse to rotate the camera in the star chart used to cause a strange jittering effect, this should behave smoothly now The mothership is now always highlighted with a green circle when the star chart overlay is active, this will help in navigation The star chart camera will now "look at" the currently selected sector when you open it, instead of defaultng to sector 43A peek at the updated star chartToggle HUD Pressing F11 will toggle the HUD for anyone who wants to remove it to take screenshots or something This is a temporary fix, I will add a button in the options panel Right now the HUD may reappear, but you can always make it disappear with F11Game Balance Issues Cold Resist blueprints now require an alien injector, making it a bit tougher to get your cold resistance down to zero Heat Resist blueprints now require an alien capacitor for the same reason Key blueprints will now require more crystals, to make it a bit more challenging Crystals and other materials spawn in smaller amounts Price for storage upgrade and star chart upgrade have gone up I am hoping these tweaks make the game a little more challenging and rewarding to play I want the player to have to strive in order to upgrade and buy things, this is where I think I need the most feedback Are things too easy to buy? Do you find yourself with too much money and nothing to spend it on? I think this is something that will need to continue tweaking, but hopefully I can get it a bit more balanced before 2.0 arrivesI also prevented star chart and storage upgrades from appearing randomly, you will need to buy them from the mothershipNext steps before 2.0 releaseI want to work on getting planets to have better variety. A player pointed out that in different games, he found greater concentrations of some kinds of planets over others. I realized that there are certain planet types that I have not seen at all for a long time, so I think I need to address how they get chosen in order to make sure the randomizing algorithm doesn't prevent certain types of planets from forming.I definitely want to hear any feedback about game balance. With the introduction of the star chart and storage upgrades, I feel like there should be enough stuff for players to save up for. This will hopefully make discovering gems and storage caches more exciting.Enemy spaceships will need to be revisited. The robot sentries are a bit on the tough side. I think I can make them a little less acurate and that might help those encounters seem more in-line with the rest of the game. An issue in caves was pointed out, in which the character can fall through into a lower level, I will have a look at this...Finally, I will need to update the in-game tutorial as well as the manual in order to accomodate all the new features.
Star Explorers Download Mega
Updated: Mar 24, 2020