About This Game Making History: Calm & the Storm Gold Edition is a turn-based grand strategy classic. Play against the world or join an alliance. Attempt to alter history or replay it. This release includes many game updates, key improvements to strategic and tactical gameplay, and features a new Germany focused scenario: "The Rise of the Reich". In addition to managing the military, players must build, supply and grow a modern industrial base in order to field forces capable of victory. The decision to expand factories, research new weapons or recruit more units is in the hands of the player. War will come and the nation must be prepared.FEATURESClean, intuitive interface and gameplay make this one of the easiest grand strategy games to learn, and the open nature of the game combined with the ability to play as any one of over 80 nations offer endless replay-ability. Gold Edition adds new military unit properties and gives you the ability to rename units, preset rally points and set way-points for more tactical movement. Regions can upgrade defenses, transportation, and food production simultaneously. Better financial reports let you manage your treasury more easily. Different victory conditions available: Nation, Alliance, or Ideological (Democracy, Communism, Fascism, or Authoritarianism) You can also go for a domination victory and set the percentage of land you need to control to win the game. Ten scenarios included with multiple starting points before and during the war. Plus alternate history and the fantasy scenarios. Research, build and deploy a wide variety of ships, submarines, artillery, infantry, tanks, armored vehicles, fighters and bombers. Also research tactics like maneuver warfare, hedgehog defense and amphibious assaults to give your forces bonuses. Decide how much of your production is used to generate wealth, stockpile arms, build military units, conduct research, or construct more factories. Players control trade, aid, industrial development, infrastructure investments, and a deep field of research. 7aa9394dea Title: Making History: The Calm and the Storm Gold EditionGenre: Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:Muzzy Lane SoftwarePublisher:Factus GamesRelease Date: 30 Jul, 2008 Making History: The Calm And The Storm Gold Edition Crack Game Download Making history was good, we can all agree on that. But this version takes it to a whole new level. The small, yet important changes make this game the supreme basic Making history. One of the easiest gaes to pick up and play with ease if you are a veteran to the RTS genre. 10 billion times less confusing than hearts of iron 3. get this game for a grand old time, and the great war if your into micromanaging huge nations to incredibly long battles. This game is for the impatient. The Great War, is for the hard core RTSer. Overall 9\/10. 10\/10 WOULD FRANCE AGAIN.. A way more simple Hearts of Iron thats easier to get used to.. love this game I have the origanal and gold I played a world war one senerio I seen austria and germany take over france and russia and I took over the uk france, germany, brazil, and meicxo this game is endless so many possiablitys 10\/10 a must play. I've enjoyed this game very much. I've played Clash of the Continents scenario, very good way to learn the game. I've won that on Grey (Amsterdam) easiest, Orange (China) and Yellow (USA) both slightly more difficult. I'm currently working on winning as Red (Chile) definitely harder. I think that both Blue (South Africa) and Green (South Australia) will be another notch harder. I'm currently working on the Rise of the Reich scenario 1 game with USA the other with USSR.My Tips to people new to the game:1. Coal is king, you need it to build anything, improving cities, making Goods, making Arms, building troops, did I say anything. Set production of any Coal resources you own or acquire to Maximize ASAP. Make capturing Coal resources a high priority.2. Improve Cities. If playing Clash of the Continents you only have 1 city and it is max production, make some mobile units first turn to immediately capture surrounding countries. When you capture a City if it's production is less than 10 set it to build Light Industry. If it can build Basic Infantry in say 6 turns or less do that so you can defend you new territories.3. Research WAIT on it. You need to capture a good number of territories before you worry about research. IMO start researching Improved Infantry first, Light Tanks next.4. Check on other countries Cities regularly. Then bottom right button that looks like a fold opens information about the world. Click 2 button from left on Top the the far right tab (Cities) then at the headings click IPO. That rearranges all the Citties of the World to show the highest production Cities first. Any of these close to you are a priority to capture.5. Amphibious Assaults are tough. You suffer a large penalty for these assaults. NEVER try this on a Capital, instead do a massive assault on a territory next to or near them, hopefully one that shows level 1 or 0 Fortifications.6. Tanks are great for assaults. High Offense ok defense. I have noticed that the AI is smart enough that if you assualt with only Tanks you suffer a penalty (25 %) against Infantry so take some Infantry with you, remember I said Improved Infantry is first to research,. 10\/10 -CANADA TURNS ON BRITAIN-NAZI GERMANY & USSR SIGN AN ALLIANCE-USA \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665S FRANCE-NAZI USA50000\/10 WOULD LIKE TO GET \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ED IN THE\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665BY BRITAIN AGAIN. IF YOU DONT LIKE ALTERNATE HISTORY DONT BUY THIS GAME.. If you have never played a "geopolitical" wargame before then this is the one you should play to introduce yourself to the genre.It is a simplified version of Hearts of Iron 1 and maybe 2. Especially due to all nations using only a small handful of "generic" units and a very simple tech-tree. But the AI plays a much better game and MH : TCatS is much, much, MUCH less buggy than HoI1.Big design flaw has to be the resource management. No matter what country you play your demands for all resources (metal, oil, food etc) will far outstrip your production - you will continuosly have to spend millions importing everything from friendly or neutral countries. When I'd finished playing as Italy I was 200 billion in debt! Still - this does NOT stop your game, nor absolutely cripple your country \/ industries. The designer also forgot to add the ability to trade in UNITS, so Britain could not buy any of the 1000's of American built destroyers like they did in real life, or lend\/lease tanks etc.All construction and research projects are very expensive and very lengthy too!Other than this, what is there to say? It encompasses all the WW2 period and pre-WW2 conflicts from 1930 - 49. You can play ANY nation - but most are too weak for you to even be able to "move"..... even "mid-power" nations such as Italy I had a struggle with to achieve much. For a strong game in which you really can dominate the world you have to pick the USA, Great Britain, Germany or Russia..... even Japan struggles (the game's AI doesn't handle nations heavily dependant on maritime actions well).Like most older "geopolitical" games, all GFX and SFX are very minimalist. Action freaks and lovers of GFX to make you gasp need not apply. Also seasoned "geopolitical" players might not find this one complex enough - they may consider a bit of a "kid's" strategy game.Still, I like it, and it's cheap!
Making History: The Calm And The Storm Gold Edition Crack Game Download
Updated: Mar 24, 2020